The Out List

When I, somehow, went Out to the world, I kept an imaginary checklist on who I will tell my sexuality about. Let's see...

Parents - Conservative background, not really religious in a sense but that's already implied and they haven't confronted me about that one yet (hint, hint, my Mom still has hopes that this is just a phase). Mom, seven years and still in a phase?

Relatives - OK, one of my Aunts know because, well, she has two gay brothers and she can sniff any queer from a 10km. radius but I don't think most of them will understand anyway so scratch the idea. 

Friends - They were the first to know especially my Best Friend who's now in the US, I don't care, they like me for me even though it was hard at first, sorry, I was in denial before I came out. And yes, I did tell them first of that I'm a Bisexual shindig.

Workmates - I won't admit. I'll let them be the judge on who I am. And besides, is it really necessary to tell them? Will that make me more or less of a person according to my gender preference? Will telling them imperil my profession and work ethics? Will a gay be discriminated just because they have a social stigma?
Cousins - Some of them already know and most of them already have an inkling, being in a clan that are predominantly male, it's weird that you're one of the few bachelors in the family but they will have to live with that. And oh yeah one of my closest male cousins is a homophobic so I might not tell him. 

How'd I know? Let's just say he was telling us that showbiz person BA shouldn't be acting too tough on his show because he is a patron of a gay bar, so, at the back of my head I was, WTH and WTF. I couldn't argue with him, it's not the right time, we were having a small family reunion. I don't wanna ruin my day just because of that.

He generalizes people and I just hope that someday, his mind will be more open to a lot of things. 

It's definitely, assuringly and completely OK to be gay as long as you don't step on anybody. 

My OUT List isn't really perfect, the checklist wasn't followed mainly because people still wants to hear the answer they wanna hear from me, but I know very well that they won't get it.

Do you have an OUT list? 


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