Modern Day Bisexuality, Fact or Myth?
I am not gay. I am just having a phase right now so I want to experiment on some sexual aspects of my life.
This was what I was trying to tell myself when upon growing up I had urges seeing men and what they can offer.
I was convincing myself that a person goes through this phase of finding him or herself through curiosity and involvement. This is a fact.
What I was eagerly trying to dissipate is the fact that my yearning for men was actually the beginning of what was waiting for me in the middle of the road...
I am not gay, definitely not.
Yes, go ahead and convince yourself of what you really are not.
My mind is such a negative thinker.
Meeting and hooking-up with men are just some of what I need to know more about myself, I'll have a girlfriend sooner or later, I promise.
Yeah, great thinking dude, try not to fall into your own trap.
I never had a girlfriend, I used to court but somehow it felt different, that somehow, in a strange, diluted and twisted emotion, I still fall for guys...
Girls? Sure they're great to hang-out with! I grew up with their presence and most of the time I interacted with them more than boys, maybe, that's why I don't want to get involved with them, I see them merely as friends, acquaintances, colleagues but nothing more. Although, there were times that I want to get involved with them emotionally...
Primarily, they can handle emotions better than us. And, this is not just baloney talk, studies already were conducted in this aspect. They cope up better because they know how to vent and spill their emotions because they have a more bonded culture compared to testosterone-injected guys.
Second, they are great confidants, they stick to you through whatever is happening to you, they can be great sources of help and guidance. We have this also but well, according to Fergie, big (gay) guys don't cry, not in front of people.
Lastly, they believe more in long-lasting relationships. This, this notion I have already seen. It's not something that people would make up. People have attested how women can handle longer relationships, I'm sure we all have different opinions on this one especially those who are bitter or have never experienced relationships with women but at some point, this is a fact.
Before I came out at 17 I already told myself I'm a Bisexual. Everyday I would simply do a mind-set that I'm 90% male and 10% female. Unfortunately, time passed and that mind-set of percentage dwindled. I won't tell you the exact percentage but you get the idea. :)
Anima and Animus, I first heard these two from Philosophy class, it was an integration of the female (anima) and male (animus) into the human body. Philosophers believed that we ALL have these two inside. Of course if you're a true blue male then animus would be the dominating factor and if you're an estrogen-producing specie then anima is your dominating factor.
So, what if you're a Bi or I mean a Bisexual? would you have 50-50? I'm completely appalled by this because a LOT of people are claiming they are Bisexual even though they don't even go out with girls. Does having a girlfriend as an ex categorize you as one? Does formerly courting girls categorize you as a Bi also? If you have intercourse with men and women, are you technically bisexual? It's confusing.
I do apologize but I am not making people's lives complicated but you see, if you see society as a major factor on how you view sexuality then I think you would be encapsulating yourself from the norms.
I honestly don't think claiming to be a Bisexual will be more acceptable to society.
More so if they know you haven't had a girlfriend and never, ever slept with a girlfriend once in your life. This is too ironic and I have used this already. Hehehe.
I consulted a lot of gay friends on this topic, from Psychology student to fashion designer to guidance counselor to an early childhood education student and all of them told me the same thing, there is no such thing as a bisexual but of course I don't want to close my mind on this topic because this is very controversial and very much open to public hence, homo-hetero debate.
For the time being I would say that I still don't believe in bisexuality but my mind is still willing to embrace this idea. So argue with me your best key points if this is factual and maybe, I will accept it fully.
I have nothing against guys claiming to be bisexual, in the end process and for what it's worth, YOU are the master of your ship. Believe in your ideas then people will believe in you.
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