The Hush on Being Discreet
Discreet- judicious in one's conduct or speech especially with regard to keeping silent about a delicate matter
Source: Webster's College Dictionary
How do you perceive discretion?
Would you associate it with self-preservation?
I have encountered people saying that discreet guys "are not being true to themselves!"
Why do you think they say that?
Let's look and see...
Majority of the people who voice out are the 'out' ones. They can do so because they already made themselves clear to the public that they are what they are, so forget about making them straight or the like. These guys are somewhat already comfortable with their sexuality and also comfortable on how they are in the society.
Then why do they feel irked at discreet guys?
They think that discreet guys are still closet gays who are still scared to reveal themselves on who they really are. In a sense they still are but let me just remind you that we have words self-preservation and intimidation... these words are very important to all of us especially if we feel threatened.
Self-preservation, hmmm... interesting word because we all know we need to survive in a physiological level- food, clothing, shelter - these are our basic needs in order to survive. But what about discreet guys? Well, aside from the above mentioned they still have to protect something very important to them and it's their dignity, all of us do. It's what keeps us and running and also what makes us a person capable to do various tasks to fit into this society. I don't think it's a facade, it's something in between. You see, being gay doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have characteristics similar to a female and same goes with lesbians, it all boils down to personality and upbringing. Some discreet guys 'act' to be discreet and for some, it goes on naturally. So bottom line is that it's a case to case basis if we are to think that discreet guys are still hiding from their closets. Some would see it as that and some would see it as their natural self, same as some guys are vocal and out about who they are and some are out but not yet vocal about it to others.
What happened to the word intimidation? Well you see, intimidation plays a big role because if there is no intimidation then there is no self-preservation. Think about it, would a person stop working because he feels like it? No, he would need to work because that is the way of life, to work and earn to survive each and everyday. Or in a medical way of thinking, there is the presence of a painful stimulus so the body COMPENSATES to prevent the harm or at least minimize its effect/s. The same goes with guys who are discreet, they may feel intimidated so there is a need to preserve who they are. To them, it's a matter of life and death, or so.
To conclude about this mini-topic, let me just say that discreet guys will always be discreet guys, they may be a bit scared or threatened but it will still boil down to how they are and how they perceive themselves. Acceptance is the key my brother.
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