The Friend of a Friend...

Three bottles of Tanduay Ice, two hours inside O Bar, one drunk club date.

You don't intend to babysit, do you?

So you pack his bags and send him home.

And even before you have the time to make a dash inside the club...

Look do we have here, well it's K and his friend A, popping out of a cab. What brings you at this time of the morning? And at this part of the town?

But you see boys, it's already too late to look for boys.

Or is it?

Ah yes, the power of persuasion. K, you amaze me how you do that.

I can still remember what you told that innocent boy outside O.

"Let's drink at my place, come."

And just like that, that silly little boy plopped at the back of the cab.

With me and A of course.

Part 2


  1. exciting! parang tea-time lang. :D

  2. ooooohhhh, when boys have fun huh

  3. what's up party boy? so that's how you migrate? from one party to another. hehe

  4. I find it hard to read your blog, sorry. Striking red text against a dark color makes it very hard to see the letters.

  5. favorite ko ang Tanduay Ice :D


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