
He is always there for you.

He always misses you dearly.

He texts you more often than you text him.

He wants to hug and kiss you all the time.

He makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over.

He makes you feel special.

He makes you feel that you are his world.

He is nearly perfect.

Except that - you can't fall in love with him and vice-versa.

Such is the fate of a go-to-guy. Even if he is the most charming, amiable, witty, most friendly, and good-looking guy that you have met.

He will always be a comfort person, convenient to put it in layman's perspective.

We all have one, or rather, had been one.

There is just something dynamic about the set-up, at the other end you feel you're just using him but at the same time you know he enjoys your company. Compensated.

Sometimes people can't help it, we just want someone, nothing long-term, not too much attachment, nor too much drama.

Go-to-guys are different from flings because flings, as most of us know, do not last more than a month, two weeks the most.

A go-to-guy is someone who you just want to hang-around, sleep with, wake up with an embrace, dress up for work, and go on with your life - simple.

But of course sooner or later it won't work any more. Temporary problem begets temporary solution.

And finally when everything crumbles you tell him, gtg.

Or he tells you that first - simple.


  1. hmm... lots of valid points there..

  2. Agree w/Nate.
    so in terms of heirarchy: friend-gtg-fling in descending order?

    got to go go to guy, that's a lot of Gs there G

  3. - while it lasted. do we allow ourselves to get involved, or are we unaware at all?

    Locks and Keys. We let people in. We ask them to leave. Just how could we miss?

  4. to me gtg appears between fling and MU. i was supposed to place it after fubu but it's NSA, so unchecked that.

  5. Never thought such people exist.

  6. I confess to be one, to more than one charming guy, modesty aside. I have ceased all attempts at deconstructing the set-up.


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