

My tito would always say this to us upon waking up, most especially if we need to wake up really early to go for a long ride.

My tito who always has been an Alpha Male, is very business-centric, is hardworking and is always busy 24/7.

A Pharmaceutical company, several pharmacies cross the Philippines, several real estates, some farm lands here and there, and a beach house in Pangasinan.

For the longest time he is the epitome of how we, as nieces and nephews, should adhere to be.

So I have imbued this perspective of his to some extent. To believe in everything that I've got in order to succeed. But there is this enormous wall I needed to conquer...

Most of you probably do not know this, but I suffer from inferiority complex. It has long defected me from reaching my potential as a human. From being a nurse to a quality assurance specialist to a team leader to a health coach and then back to being a nurse abroad.

But you know what?

Doubts about yourself can happen. And it's okay.

Ambivalence towards yourself can happen. And that's okay, too.

Not meeting certain expectations can also happen. And it's perfectly fine.

The point is, you always have to believe in yourself.

No matter what.

Because at the end of the day, it is you who will save you.

Not your parents.

Not your siblings.

Not your relatives.

Not your partner.

You. And Only You.


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